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Hemp (cannabaceae)

Medical-grade CBD and CBG Hemp will be planted in the spring of 2020 under the guidance of USDA/MDARD (Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development) and will focus on three refined and proven CBD and CBG producing strains:

  • The Wife (CBD)

  • Merlot (CBD)

  • The Matterhorn (CBG)

The flowers from the hemp stock will be carefully cultivated to achieve virtually 0% THC which is the active compound found in marijuana - MAKE NO MISTAKE - the flowers from these hemp strains will not have psychoactive effects and is fully-licensed by the State of Michigan and under-written by the United Stated Department of Agriculture.


Hemp & CBD/CBG: Services

Hemp Terms and Lingo

What is the difference between Hemp and Marijuana?

Although both Hemp and Marijuana are part of the Cannabis sativa L. family Hemp by law must contain less than 0.3% THC, the psychoactive component in Marijuana. Think of it like comparing a Roma Tomato to a Beefsteak Tomato, both are tomatoes but very different.

What is Hemp used for?

There are many uses for hemp depending on the variety of hemp cultivated. There are varieties used for fiber, grains and medicinal. The fiber plants are tall plants to be used for rope, clothing and other textiles. Grain varieties are short like wheat and are harvested for human and animal consumption. Medicinal varieties vary from 4-8 feet tall and cultivated for smokable flower or refined into oils.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol and is a naturally occurring compound that is found in its highest concentration in the Hemp plant.

What is THC? 

THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. This is the chemical compound that is responsible for the "high" feeling.

What are Terpines

Terpines, also called "Terps," are the chemicals responsible for the flavor profiles within different strains. Like with wine, they are responsible for the fruity or nutty and even buttery flavors

What is CBG?

CBG stands for Cannabigerol and also is a naturally occurring compound found in its highest concentration within the hemp plant.

How does CBD work?

CBD works with the Cannabinoid Receptors (referred to as CB1 and CB2) within the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) which is found in the central and peripheral nervous system. The CB1 and CB2 receptors are like docks that ensocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids, and even some terpenes can attach to. CB receptors are found in virtually every major system in the body, from our brain to our reproductive organs, connective tissues, nervous system, bones and skin.

How many cannabinoids  are there?

There are at least 113 different cannabinoids that have been discovered within the Cannabis genus that are not found in any other plants. Each individual strain will have different chemical compositions and/or ratios of cannabinoids. 

How is Hemp grown?

Hemp is planted in rows, much like corn, and harvested at the end of the season. Samples must taken throughout the growing season and sent to the lab for testing to ensure that the crop stays under the legal 0.3% THC content threshold. If a crop comes back over the legal limit it is termed "hot hemp" and must be destroyed because it failed to stay within the legal limits to be considered Hemp and is not covered under our licencing.



3163 Kroupa Rd
Traverse City, MI 49686

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